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Harry Foxton

 Harry Foxton 

Arklow, Wicklow

Harry’s wife Adele, children Helen, Susanne, Georgina, Harriet, Henry and William and all our family would like to extend our most heartfelt gratitude to those who showed their final respects to Harry and to us with their sincere condolences, and the support and utmost kindness shown to us throughout our recent sudden and devastating loss.


Thank you to everyone who called to our home at Ballyduff and brought food and comfort, visited the funeral home, attended Harry’s removal, funeral service and burial, sent cards, letters, texts and online condolences, to those who couldn’t be present but joined via webcam and to those who sent flowers and who donated generously to Barnardos ; in Harry’s memory. 


Thank you to Dr. Foster and his team at Harbour Road Surgery. A special thanks to the emergency services for their care and duty shown on the day of Harry’s passing. Thanks also to all at Tallaght University Hospital for the exceptional care and kindness given to Harry over the past few years. To Laura Armstrong and her team at Armstrong Life Pharmacy for their help and kindness to Harry, thank you. 


To those who travelled from afar to give their support, you have our sincere gratitude. Our gracious thanks to our neighbours near and far, our church community of St. Saviours and our neighbouring church communities for their prayers and emotional and practical support. Thank you to Rev. Jack Kinkead for his comforting words and prayers and the funeral service which truly honoured Harry’s wishes. Grateful thanks to John Bonner for such lovely music. 


Thanks also to Joe O’Toole and David O’Toole and RSS for tending to the grave, and to the management and staff of the Woodenbridge Hotel for their hospitality.  A special thank you to all at John Sweeney & Sons Funeral Directors, especially Niamh, for her professionalism and thoughtfulness. 


As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation. 


Life is not forever, Love is. 

Peace Perfect Peace.