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Helen O'Sullivan

 Helen O'Sullivan 

Cahersiveen, Kerry / Dromid, Kerry


Helen O’Sullivan,

Dromeragh, Caherciveen, Co. Kerry

11th March 2024

As we dearly remember and greatly miss Helen, on this, the first anniversary of the passing of our loving Wife and adored Mom and Nana, we, her Husband Dan, Sons Donal & Shane, and Daughter Bernadette would like to express our endless gratitude for the overwhelming support shown throughout Helen’s illness, at the time of her sad passing & throughout the past year.

We would like to thank and acknowledge Dr. Brian Bird Oncologist and his extended medical team and Consultants in the Bon Secours Cork and Kerry for the impeccable care provided to Helen, and the kindness and support shown towards us.

We wish to thank Dr. Adamik and staff at Waterville Medical Centre, The Team at Southdoc and to Waterville Pharmacy staff especially Mervyn who we are profoundly grateful for.

A special thank you to Helen’s therapists Fiona Higgins & Melissa Cournane, Recovery Haven Kerry Cancer Support House and Cúnamh Cancer Support Group Cork for the invaluable services and support provided to Helen throughout her journey.

We offer our heartfelt thanks to the community nurses in Glenbeigh, The Kerry Specialist Palliative Care Team, The Local Home Care Assistants, and the night nurses from the Irish Cancer Society for providing empathy and support to Helen and us a family.

Our most sincere thanks to Dr. Brian O’Donovan, nurses & caring staff of St Anne's Hospital for their wonderful care & kindness to us all, most especially during Helen’s final week. It gave us great solace as a family by having Helen’s pet dog Millie by her side. We will be forever thankful for the dignity and respect shown to Helen and deepest gratitude for your compassion in Helen’s final hours.

Heartfelt thanks to everyone who visited our home & those who attended Helen’s Removal, Funeral Mass & Burial, sent mass cards, those who sympathised and expressed condolences and memories of Helen online, floral tributes, lit candles, made phone calls, sent text messages and voice notes in addition to those who made charitable donations, we are forever grateful. 

We are truly thankful to Fr. Larry Kelly for attending Helen’s wake and for contributing to the rosary. A sincere thanks to Fr Gerard Finucane, for celebrating Helen’s life so beautifully, additionally, a special thanks to Ellen Courtney for the glorious music and singing during the ceremony. Thank you to the people who travelled near and far and to those who could not be present but joined us via the Church Webcam. We are eternally grateful to Fr. Gerard for his numerous visits to Dromeragh and for his comforting and encouraging words to Helen.

We would like to extend our deepest appreciation to Kieran & Teresa O’Sullivan, Funeral Directors and their team of Grave Diggers for their professionalism, incredible attention to detail and sincere compassion shown to us.  

A special word of thanks to all our wonderful family, neighbours, friends, and work colleagues who went above and beyond for us as a family. To all who stood out for Helen as she travelled home on the 12th March 2024, to all the ICA ladies, Dromid and wider South Kerry Community who formed Guards of Honour at Helen’s Removal and Funeral Mass, to everyone who offered help, brought food/drinks to the house, for your love and support, we are forever grateful for the continued support.

To Helen’s dear friends, we thank you for the many years of companionship, adventure, laughter & fun you brought to her life.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation. While we knew that Helen was adored by many, we will be forever carried & comforted by the endless expressions of warmth & good will that surrounds her memory & those she loved most. 

Helen was a fantastic Wife, Mom, Nana, Sister and Auntie to her family, a faithful friend who kept her great sense of humour, remained positive and upbeat as she bore her illness with great courage.


The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.


Donations to Dromid Cancer Care Support Car and Recovery Haven Kerry Cancer Support House in lieu of memorial cards.


First Anniversary Mass:

Saturday 15th March 2025 at 12Noon

Our Lady of the Valley Church, Cillin Liath, V23 FD96.

