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Jean Horan

 Jean Horan 
(née McLoughlin)

South Green, Arklow, Wicklow

The sons, daughters & extended family of the late Jean Horan would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to everyone who offered condolences & support throughout Jean’s illness, at the time of her passing & in the weeks since.

Thank you to everyone who visited the funeral home, attended Jean’s removal, funeral Mass & burial, sent Mass cards & flowers, phoned, wrote or travelled long distances to offer sympathy & support & to all who donated generously to the Arklow Alzheimer’s Social & Support Group in Jean’s memory.

We will be forever grateful to Dr. Buggle, Dr. McCabe & all the team at Sheltonville Surgery & most especially to Jan & her staff at Aisling House Nursing Home for the wonderful care Jean received during her time there. To the other residents & their families, we thank you for your kindness, friendship & comradery over the past few years.   

Our sincere thanks to Fr. Padraig Ó’Cochláin for his prayers, guidance & beautiful funeral Mass & to Karla Treacy & Matt Sharpe for their lovely music.

Thank you to Sean, Geraldine & their staff at The Old Ship for their hospitality after the funeral & to Bill & Joe from R.S.S. for tending to the grave.

As it would be impossible to thank everybody individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the intentions of all.

Jean’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, 9th November, at 6.30pm in St.’s Mary & Peter’s Church.
