Jerry Walsh
204 Pollerton Rd.,
Passed away on the 11th April 2024
Jerry’s family would like to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them on the recent sad loss of Jerry, to all those who sent Mass Cards, letters of sympathy, floral tributes, called to the house, made phone calls and the many relations, good neighbours and friends who supported Jerry in every way.
We would like to thank the doctors and nurses in The District Hospital, Carlow and Dr Gallagher and staff in Gallagher Medical Centre for their loving care and to Marc Carpenter for his guidance and compassion.
We would like to thank all who participated in the mass, especially Fr. Tom Little for officiating at his Funeral Mass and Clair Cashin for her lovely music.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our gratitude.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intention.
Jerry’s months mind Mass will take place at 12 noon on Sunday,12th May, in The Holy Family Church, Askea.