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John Healy

 John Healy 

Cork City, Cork / Gurranabraher, Cork

The family of the late John Healy of Barrick view, who passed away on the 23rd of April 2023. Jackie, Melanie, John and Conor would like to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them on their great loss.


We offer our heartfelt thanks to many friends, neighbours and well-wishers who attended the service burial and provided practical support for us at this difficult time. For those who telephoned, sent floral tributes, cards and messages of condolences. We are truly grateful. 


A special word of thanks to Father John of North Cathedral, Noreen Sexton who sang, Joe Coughlan undertakers, the staff at Marymount Hospice especially nurse Teresa for her professionalism, his GP Dr. O Sullivan, St. Marys AFC, the Cork Dockers, The Bagel Factory for their sincere tributes.


To those who helped in any way, your contribution made our loss more bearable. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude.