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John Joe Walsh

 John Joe Walsh 

Kinlough, Headford, Galway / Shrule, Mayo

Passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his loving family on January 9th, 2022. 

We, John Joe’s family, his wife Patsy, daughter Maryann, son-in-law Colm, brothers Jim and Frank, sister Maura, nieces, nephews, and the extended Walsh and Gibsey families would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to all who supported and sympathised with us following the recent sad passing of our beloved John Joe.

We owe a special debt of gratitude to all the Medical professionals involved in John Joe’s care, especially the fantastic staff of the Claddagh Ward, the Day Ward in UCHG and Merlin Park Hospital 1.  Thank you to Dr. Alan Costello, Pharmacists Fergus Collis, Kevin Rabbitt and the team at Ryders Pharmacy, PHN Teresa, and the community nurses for all their help and kindness.

A heartfelt thank you to all who sent Mass Cards, letters, floral tributes, offered messages of condolences in person, over the phone, on, Mid-West Radio condolences, social media, text messages, lit candles and kept us in your prayers.  We are overwhelmed by your kind words, shared memories and the outpouring of love and respect for John Joe.

We sincerely appreciate and thank all who called to our home, especially those who travelled long distances, attended the removal in Ryders Funeral Home, Headford and the Funeral Mass in St Joseph’s Church, Shrule and the burial.  Thank you to all who joined us online via parish webcam, especially our family in the US, Australia & the UK, or the local parish radio.  Our sincere thanks to our wonderful neighbours, family and friends who lined the road with candles and lanterns to pay their respects on the evening of the removal and also on John Joe’s final journey from this home to the church for his Funeral Mass.

Thank you to the Headford GAA Club who formed a candlelit guard of honour outside the club ground and for the lovely tribute to John Joe on their facebook page.  He fondly recalled those years of commitment to the club with pride and passion as a player and supporter of its continued development.

A sincere thank you to Fr. Vivian Loughrey for his compassion and support during this difficult time, for his prayers in our home and at Ryders Funeral Home and his incredibly beautiful and moving Funeral Mass.  Also, thank you to Fr. James O’Grady for his final prayers with John Joe and his valued friendship with him over the years.

A special word of thanks to Nicola O’Haire for the touching singing and music in the church.  Thank you to everyone who participated in the mass to make it a meaningful and fitting tribute to John Joe and a celebration of his life. 

To Ryders Funeral Directors, Kay Ryder, and Conor Moylan, we thank you for your professional service and the respect and compassion you gave John Joe.  Our profound thanks to the gravediggers for their time and attention in preparing John Joe’s final resting place with such care and dignity.

Thank you to Frank Heneghan and the staff at the Angler’s Rest Hotel for their lovely meal and kind hospitality following the funeral.  Also, a word of gratitude to those who brought food, comforted, and helped us in any way prepare for the funeral.

John Joe was blessed with wonderful family, friends, neighbours, and work colleagues throughout his life.  He cherished and appreciated all the kindness, friendships, and support.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest and heartfelt gratitude to you all.  The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all your intentions.

John Joe’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, 12th February at 8.00pm in St Joseph’s Church, Shrule.  Mass will be live streamed on the Shrule Parish facebook page and

“May John Joe’s kind and gentle soul rest in peace until we meet again”

Much Loved and Sadly Missed by his Heartbroken Family.