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Julia (Sheila) BUCKLEY

 Julia (Sheila) BUCKLEY 
(née Prendergast)

Hollyhill, Cork

12th Anniversary

Remembering with Love, Our Mother


Late of Hollyville, HollyHill, Cork.

who fell asleep on 02nd February 2012.


Very Greatly Missed Today and Everyday by Anthony & Mary, Teresa & John, Brian & Kathleen, Robert & Claire, Elaine & Maurice, Grandchildren, Great-Grandchildren, Brothers & Sisters, Brothers & Sisters in-Law, Nephews & Nieces, Relatives & Very Many Friends.

Remembering also with Love Our Dad Donal Buckley,

their Grandson Matthew Buckley

and also Simone Buckley (nee Scanlon)

"We hold you close in memory, even though we are apart.

Your spirit will live forever, within our broken hearts,

Our hearts still ache in sadness and secret tears still flow,

For what it meant to lose you, no one will ever know,

In heaven we shall meet again, where farewell is never spoken,

We shall clasp each other hand in hand and the clasp shall never be broken"

Love You to the Moon & Back
