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Kathleen Cullen

 Kathleen Cullen 
(née Ward)

Plumbridge, Tyrone / Roscommon

Kathleen’s sister Eileen and the extended Ward and Cullen families would like to express our heartfelt thanks to everyone who sympathised with and supported us in our recent sad bereavement.


We would like to offer our sincere gratitude to all those who attended the wake and funeral, sent cards and messages of support and sympathy and helped us remember and celebrate Kathleen’s life. Special thanks to the neighbours and friends who gave practical help with arrangements over the period and to “An Creggan” who provided the refreshments. We would like to acknowledge and remember the neighbours and friends in Gortin, who visited, socialised with and supported Kathleen in her final years and the medical professionals who cared for her ensuring that she was able to remain in her home for as long as possible. We would also like to show our appreciation for the care Kathleen received in Rivervale Nursing Home and to thank the staff for all their attention and co-operation.


A special word of thanks to Fr Donnelly for the beautiful requiem Mass and eulogy, to Fr Mc Devitt and Fr. Colhoun for attending the wake and supporting the family. To Mary Brines for her lovely singing and to the sacristan, grave diggers and to Mc Guigan Funeral Directors for the professional but personal manner in which they carried out their duties. Thanks also to Fr Brian Conlon who met the cortege at Kilronan Cemetery and officiated at the final ceremony as we laid Kathleen to rest with her beloved husband Michael.


As it is impossible to thank everyone individually please accept this acknowledgment as an expression of our heartfelt appreciation.


The holy sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.


Kathleen’s Month's Mind Mass will take place on Sunday, 17th March, in The Sacred Heart Church, Plumbridge, at 10am.
