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Mamie (Mary) Murphy

 Mamie (Mary) Murphy 
(née Cahill)

Headford, Galway

Mamie's family would like to express their sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all who supported them and offered their sympathies after her passing. Thank you to those who visited us and those who attended the removal and funeral. We thank those who shared stories and fond memories of Mamie.


To our neighbours, relatives and friends and those who brought food and other necessities, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kindness, support and generosity.


Thank you to all the staff at Galway Hospice who cared for Mamie in her final days. We also thank the palliative Care Team at Galway Hospice, the public health nurses, Dr Costello, the ambulance services, the home help, particularly Marie, who cared for Mamie in her final days at home.


We would like to thank friends and relatives who travelled from far and near to be with us at such a difficult time. Thank you to Fr Ray Flaherty and Bishop Fintan Monahan, who celebrated Mamie's Mass. Our heartfelt thanks to the undertaker James Carey, for his support, kindness and professionalism. We also thank the gravediggers who prepared Mamie's final resting place in such bad weather. Thanks to the Angler's Rest Hotel for the exceptional meal after the funeral.


As it would be impossible to mention everyone individually, please accept this as a heartfelt token of our appreciation.


Months mind mass for Mamie will be held Saturday 2nd Nov at 7pm in St Mary's Church, Headford, Co. Galway.
