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Margaret Daly

 Margaret Daly 
(née Mohan)

Castleblayney, Monaghan

Daly (née Mohan) Margaret

Lismagunshion, Annyalla (Cornacarrow, Tullynahinera)


The Daly family would like to express their deep gratitude and appreciation to all who supported and sympathized with them, sent mass cards, sympathy cards, posted condolences, text messages and phone calls. We wish to thank our many relatives, friends, neighbours and well-wishers who travelled from near and far to attend Margaret’s wake, funeral mass and burial.


A special mention to the palliative care team and Mum’s carers from Home Instead for their professionalism and compassion shown towards Margaret and our family in the last six months of Mum’s life. To the staff of Coyle’s Pharmacy, I can’t thank you enough for all your help these last three years, nothing ever seemed to be a problem. A special word of thanks to Doctor Mary Flanagan for her kindness, compassion for all the times Doctor Flanagan called to the house to see Mum. We especially want to thank Bernie Boyle, District Nurse Beech Corner, Castleblayney Primary Care Centre and Castleblayney Health Centre. Thanks to friends, neighbours and family who helped at the house during the wake. Thanks to the people who directed traffic at the wake and the people who stood at junctions as we took Mum for her last spin.


Thanks to Fr Owen Gorman, Fr Adrian Walshe and Fr Stephen Duffy for calling to the house while Mum was sick. We especially thank Rita Duffy, who took great care in getting Mum ready for her final journey. Thanks to Conor Hughes, Funeral Directors for the caring and professional way you attended to Mum's funeral. Thank you to all who took part in Mum’s Mass. To Ashling Sheridan and Liz Conroy for the beautiful singing. Thank you, Fr Owen Gorman and Fr PJ McGinnty, for the beautiful mass to celebrate Mum's life.


Thanks to Budz (Suzanne Campbell) for doing the flowers for Mum's funeral, they were fabulous. Thanks to Mum’s, sons, grandsons and Ciaran McElroy who got Mum's final resting place ready with such dignity and respect. A huge thanks to Gerry McElroy for the hot food during Mum's wake and to the staff and Gerry Quinns for the sandwiches. Thanks to the Lough Egish Community Centre, Ollie and staff for the food after the funeral. We would like to thank all the hospitals that Mum attended, Monaghan Rehab, Cavan Hospital, all the different hospitals in Dublin and the rehab in Dundalk.


“Granny, Spin tyres and burn rubber”.


As it’s impossible to thank everyone individually please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our gratitude and appreciation.


Margaret’s Months Memory Mass will be celebrated on Sunday the 3rd of December in the Sacred Heart Church, Lough Egish at 11:30 am.
