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Margaret Nolan

 Margaret Nolan 
(née Maher)

Thomastown, Kilkenny

Margaret’s husband Thomas, daughter Helena, sons James and Gerard and her family wish to express their heartfelt thanks for the many expressions of sympathy and support they received throughout their recent sad loss.


Thank you to those who visited Margaret’s wake to offer condolences, those who attended her funeral service and burial, those who travelled long distances to offer comfort and support and all those who phoned, wrote or shared fond memories and kind messages.


Our sincere thanks to the management and care staff of Gowran Abbey Nursing Home for the comfort and care they brought to Margaret’s final months. Thank you also to the doctors, nurses and staff of St Lukes Hospital Kilkenny and the Waterford Hospital Cancer Care team.


Very special thanks to Fr. Tom Norris and Fr. Tom Little for the beautiful funeral mass and to Martina Burke and Sean O’Neill for their wonderful singing and organ music. Thank you also to Fr Bollard, Sr Anna and Sr Bernadette for their prayers, guidance and support.


To our extended families, our neighbours, our colleagues and friends we will be forever grateful for the comfort and solace your support brought to us throughout this most difficult time.


Thank you also to Denis and all at O’Reilly Funeral Directors.


As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the intentions of all.


Margaret’s Month’s Mind Mass was celebrated in her son’s parish in Holy Family Church, Askea, Carlow on Monday 11th November at 9.30am.