We the family of the late Peggy Mulvihill would like to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with us on our sad loss. We wish to extend our deep appreciation to the many relatives, neighbours and friends who visited our home, brought food and refreshments and supported us in so many ways. We wish to thank all those who attended the funeral Mass and lined the route of the funeral cortege. We were greatly touched by the volume of letters, Mass cards, online condolences, floral tributes and phone calls received during this sad time.
We would like to give special thanks to Dr Dominic Lehane and his team at Tarbert Medical, South Doc, John McGuire and all the staff at McGuire’s pharmacy Listowel, the staff of the Bon Secours Hospital Tralee, HSE Community Services - Public Health Nurse, Community Nursing, Home Care Team, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Aids and Appliances / Maintenance Staff, HSE Palliative Care Team and the Kerry Respite Home Care Team.
We would like to say thank you to all the Priests attached to the Ballylongford/Asdee Parish who supported our mother Peggy for many years of her life.
Special thanks to Canon Declan O’ Connor (Family friend) who was a source of great support to our mother and who officiated at her funeral Mass. Thanks also to Fr Michael Hussey PP Ballylongford/Asdee and Fr Brendan Walsh PP Causeway/Ballyduff who concelebrated the Mass.
We would like to acknowledge and thank the Priests who visited our mother during her many visits to the Bon Secours Hospital Tralee. In particular we would like to thank Canon James Linnane and Fr Philip O’ Connell.
Many thanks to Noma O’ Connor for preparing the Church for the funeral Mass, Eoin Kennedy for arranging the Mass to be accessed online and Stephen Donegan whose music added so much to the ceremony.
A big thank you to the Asdee Community Development Association who facilitated and supported the removal of Peggy’s remains from her residence to Saint Mary’s Church Asdee and to her final resting place.
Sincere thanks to Billy Enright (Undertaker) though sadly no longer with us, must be acknowledged for his compassion, kindness, guidance and professionalism at all times throughout the funeral arrangements. May he rest in peace. Finally a word of thanks to those who prepared our mothers grave in Ahavallen Cementary.
Our sincerest wish would be to thank everyone individually; however, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our deep thanks, gratitude and appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Peggy Mulvihill’s first anniversary Mass will on Sunday January 15th 2023 at 9.30am in Saint Mary's Church, Asdee.