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Margaret Quinn

 Margaret Quinn 
(née Browne)

Brittas Bay, Wicklow / Camolin, Wexford

Margaret’s husband Barney, children Niall, Ken, Marion & John & all her family would like to thank, most sincerely, all those who offered sympathy, kindness and support throughout the time of Margaret’s passing & during the weeks since. 

Thank you to everyone who visited our home, attended Margaret’s removal, funeral Mass & burial, sent Mass cards & floral tributes, to those who shared kind messages & happy memories online, to those who couldn’t be present but joined us via webcam & to those continue to keep Margaret & all of us in their thoughts & prayers.

Thank you to Dr. Nick Buggle, Dr Siobhán McCabe & all their team at Sheltonville Surgery for their great care over the years. Thank you to the staff of Avoca Pharamacy for their support and advice over the years.

A special thank you to Fr Michael Murphy, Fr. Diarmuid Byrne, Fr. John Carrol and Fr. Dermot Gahan for their comforting prayers & for celebrating such a beautiful funeral Mass. Thank you to Fr. Eamon Crossan and Fr. Vincent Dempsey for their prayers and support. Thank you to the sacristy team at St. Joseph’s Church & to Karla & Bridget for providing such wonderful music.

We would also like to acknowledge Margaret’s grandchildren who provided us with music throughout her reception prayers & those who took part in the funeral liturgy – she would have been so proud.

To extended family, colleagues, neighbours & friends, old & new, we thank you for your continued support.

Thanks also to everyone who made sure that all who visited the house were made welcome by a cup of tea and refreshments.

Thanks to the management & staff of Jack White’s Inn for their hospitality, to Jason Porter for tending to the grave, to all at John Sweeney & Sons Funeral Directors

As it is impossible to name everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation.

Margaret’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 21st September 2024 at 7pm in St. Joseph’s Church, Templerainey and those who cannot attend are welcome to join via webcam
