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Mary Fahey

 Mary Fahey 
(née Kane)

Ballinacarrow, Sligo

We, the family of the late Mary Fahey, her beloved husband Paddy, her children, grandchildren, son in law, daughters in law, and partner would like to extend our deepest thanks to everyone who came to our home to offer their condolences and to pay their respects.


Deepest thanks to Mammy’s brother Johnnie, his family, and Daddy’s extended family, for their presence and support. We also extend our heartfelt gratitude to our friends and neighbours for their steadfast support.


Grateful thanks to those who supplied food and beverages, most especially the Mullen, Fallon and Kane families. We wish to acknowledge those who travelled from far and wide. Grateful thanks to those who directed traffic, in difficult weather conditions.


Thank you to our friends, work colleagues and those who attended the funeral mass and graveyard, and to those who attended remotely via the web. Furthermore, our sincere thanks to those who sent heartfelt messages, posted online, phone calls, lit candles, and sent mass cards.


To the loving friendships from Mammy’s hairdresser Annette, Fr. Farrell, and Deacon Flynn. Sincere thanks to the first responder, paramedics, doctors, nurses, and ancillary staff in Sligo University Hospital for their care of our beloved Mammy.


Our deepest gratitude to Fr. Jim, concelebrants, eucharistic ministers, altar society, musician and singer, Feehily Florists and to all who participated in Mammy’s lovely mass. Sincere thanks to those who contributed floral arrangements and to JP Clarke and those who prepared the beautiful resting place for Mammy. Thank you to the Coach House Hotel Ballymote, for their hospitality.


As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgment, as an expression of our gratitude. The Holy Sacrament of the Mass will be offered for your intentions. 


Mammy’s months mind will be celebrated all St. Fechin’s and St. Lassara’s church, Ballinacarrow, at 12 midday on Saturday, January 27th.  


I'll walk beside you through the world today,

While dreams and songs, and flowers bless your way, 

I’ll look into your eyes and hold your hand, 

I’ll walk beside you in the golden land.

I’ll walk beside you through the passing years, 

Through days of cloud and sunshine, joy and tears, 

And when the great call comes, the sunset gleams, 

I'll walk beside you to the land of dreams. 
