The family of the late Mary Flynn wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them on the death of their beloved Mother, Grandmother and Great-Grandmother on the 11th of September 2024. Our deepest gratitude to all those who called to the house to offer their sympathy at Mary’s Reposing, attended the Funeral Mass and Burial, sent Mass cards, letters and cards of sympathy and floral tributes.
A special word of thanks to: Archbishop Francis Duffy, Fr. Frankie Murray, Fr. Peter Burke, Fr. Tony Gilhooly, Fr. Cathal Faughnan, Fr. Peter Tiernan, Fr. Ciaran McGuinness, Fr. Nigel Charles, Fr. Merlyn Kenny and Fr. Seamus O’Rourke who concelebrated the Funeral Mass with Mary’s son Fr. Tomás; to Orla Daly and the Choir for their lovely rendering of hymns; and to the Sisters of the Poor Clare Monastery for their prayers.
Many thanks to: Dr. Alan Loftus and the Drumshanbo Health Centre Team; the North West Hospice Palliative Care Team; and Ann Marie Conboy, Public Health Nurse for their care of Mary during her final days; and to all her wonderful Carers - Bernie Barry, Maura Mulvey, Bernadette Spellman, Doris McLoughlin, Carol McKeon, Andreia Mandim; and to all the Carers who looked after Mary so well with such care and kindness over the last number of years.
Thank you also to: the Sacristans Carmel and Johnny McGrath; the Mercy Sisters; Hubert McCormack, Funeral Undertaker; and the Gravediggers. Our sincere thanks to all our wonderful relatives, friends and neighbours for their kindness, support and help during this sad time. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.