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Mary Kenefick

 Mary Kenefick 
(née O'Mahony)

St. Colman's Road, Farranree, Cork


Died 14th April 2022

On Mary's first anniversary John, Thomas, Anna, Pat, Terry and their families would like to thank all those who sympathised with us at the time of Mam's passing. We are truly grateful to those who travelled to attend the Funeral, who called to our home,contacted us, sent Mass  and sympathy cards, attended Mam's visitation,  Funeral Mass and Burial. To all our friends,  relatives and neighbours, thank you for your help,  support and kindness. Special thanks to Fr. John Walsh for celebrating Mam's Funeral Mass. To Dr. Sheehan, Dr. Morrison, Dr. Deasy and all the staff at Blackpool Bridge Surgery for the kindness and care shown to Mam. To the members of the Ambulance Service that attended Mam. To Joe and the staff at Coughlan's Funeral Home for their guidance and professionalism.  The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for your intentions. 

Mary's Anniversary Mass will take place in the Church of the Annunciation, Blackpool, on Sat. 15th of April, at 4pm.

As we look upon your picture 

Sweet memories we recall

Of a face so full of sunshine 

And a smile for one and all
