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Mary Power

 Mary Power 
(née Mccarthy)

Silverheights Avenue, Mayfield, Cork



In loving memory of our wonderful 

Mam and Nana of 

Mary (Mac) Power whose First Anniversary occurs on

the 30th November 2023


Deeply loved, sadly missed and always

remembered by 


Her loving daughter Maryjane, Micheal and

grandchildren Tyrone, Maria and Seán 


If roses grow in heaven 

Lord, please pick a bunch for me 

Place them in my mothers arms

And tell her they're from me


Tell her that I love her and miss her 

And when she turns to smile 

Place a kiss upon her cheek 

And hold her for awhile 


Because remembering her is easy

I do it every day 

But there's an ache within my heart 

That will never go away 


Don't forget me I will be waiting in the sky

Now and not forever it's time to say goodbye.