Acknowledgment & First Anniversary
In loving memory of Michael “Sonnie” O’Sullivan (Gowla) who died on the 5th of October 2023. The family of the late Michael “Sonnie” O’Sullivan (Gowla), Gortagass, and formerly of Killowen Cottages, Kenmare, would like to express their deepest thanks and gratitude to the community of Kenmare, the wider farming community and beyond. We offer our heartfelt thanks to all our family, friends, neighbours, and everyone who visited our home, both at the time and since.
Those who kept us company, attended the wake, stayed the nights with us while Sonnie was reposing, and came to the funeral mass and burial. You provided us with such comfort, help and support through a very difficult time. Thank you all for your emotional support, your company and time, expressions of kindness, gifts of food and helping hands, and all who showed us sympathy following our heartbreaking loss.
For those who telephoned, travelled long distances, sent flowers, mass cards, letters and messages of condolence on and shared their stories of Sonnie with us over those difficult days, we are truly grateful.
We offer a special word of thanks to the Ambulance Service, An Garda Síochána, Fr. George Hayes P.P, James O’Connor Funeral Director, and our neighbours who helped us on the night. Thank you also to everyone who helped on the night of the wake and those who helped organise traffic and parking.
A very special thanks to Fr. George Hayes P.P., Fr. Jim Kennelly (Kiskeam), Fr. Bernard Mulkerrins (Kinvara) and Anne Lynch for all your help with the lovely mass. We also want to thank Paud O’Donoghue and Jim Kiely for the beautiful hymns and music, and the O’Sullivan Caseys for preparing the grave.
Again, we must thank everyone who has continued to support us throughout the last year, it will never be forgotten and has given us much comfort in our ongoing time of grief.
We could never thank everyone individually, so please accept this acknowledgement as our most sincere thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions, and Sonnie’s 1st Anniversary mass will be held on Saturday 5th of October at 7.30 p.m. in Holy Cross Church, Kenmare.
With an aching heart and tears unseen
Wishing your absence was only a dream