Michael’s wife Bridie, his children Angela, Helen, Seán & Eugene & all his family would like to extend their most heartfelt thanks for the many kind expressions of condolence & support they received throughout their recent sad loss.
Thank you to everyone who visited the funeral home, attended Michael’s removal, funeral Mass & burial, sent Mass cards, letters, texts & comforting messages online, to those who travelled long distances, those who couldn’t be present but joined us via webcam & to those who donated generously to The Wicklow Hospice Foundation in Michael’s memory; www.wicklowhospice.ie
Special thanks to the team at Sheltonville Surgery & to the doctors & nurses of St. Vincent’s Hospital for their great care throughout Michael’s illness & to the kind & helpful staff of Avoca Pharmacy.
Thank you to Fr Dermot Byrne & Fr Michael Murphy for their prayers, guidance & beautiful funeral Mass, to the sacristy team & to Liam Kinsella & John Nolan for such gorgeous music.
To our own extended families, our wonderful neighbours, our colleagues & friends, your generosity, kindness & continued support is much appreciated & will never be forgotten. Our heartfelt thanks to Avoca G.A.A. Club for your Guard of Honour & to Arklow Golf Club for your lovely mark of respect.
Thanks to the management & staff of the Woodenbridge Hotel for their hospitality, to Jason Porter for tending to the grave & to all at John Sweeney & Sons Funeral Directors for their professionalism, compassion & guidance.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that his acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered up for the intentions of all.
Michael’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 17th December at 11.30am in St. Mary & Patrick’s Church. Those who cannot attend are welcome to join via livestream