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Moll Bannon

 Moll Bannon 
(née Byrne)

Arklow, Wicklow

Moll’s husband Tom, daughter Marina, son James and all our family would like to express our heartfelt thanks for all of the support and love we received and continue to receive since Moll’s sad passing.


We gratefully appreciate all those who visited our home and the Funeral Home, attended funeral Mass and burial, sent Mass cards, texts and condolences; those who shared warm wishes and happy memories; all those who couldn’t be present but joined us via the parish webcam.


Thank you Fr. Pádraig Ó’Cochláin for a beautiful funeral Mass, also Trish and Michael Flood for the wonderful music.


Thank you to Dr. Foster for his kindness and care over the years and also to Arklow Primary Health Care for their ongoing support.


Thank you to Helena and all at Hudson's Funeral Directors for their sensitive handling of all the arrangements. Thank you to Joe & Tom who prepared Moll’s final resting place. Our thanks to Antoinette and the staff at The Gin Mill for their hospitality.


Special thanks to our wonderful family for being there and making things that little bit easier.


Moll’s Month’s Mind will be held on Sunday, 25th August, at 11.30am in The Church of Saints Mary & Peter, Arklow.

Webcam | Arklow Parish | Diocese of Dublin
