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Nelius Greaney

 Nelius Greaney 

Greenmount, Cork

In loving memory of a wonderful Dad, Granda and Great Granda on his 9th anniversary away from home.



I thought of you today

But that is nothing new

I thought of you yesterday

And will tomorrow too

I think of you in silence

And make no outward show

For what it meant to lose you

Only those who loved you know

Loved and missed always and forever, your loving daughter Eleanor xxx



To us you were someone special 

Someone set apart 

Your memory will live forever 

Engraved within our hearts

Missed always by your loving grandchildren Melissa, Ciaran and Wayne xxx

Great Granda Greaney (GGG):

Those we love don't go away

They walk beside us every day

Your loving great-grandsons Zack, Aaron and Noah xxx