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Nicholas (Nicky) Mullally

 Nicholas (Nicky) Mullally 

Russellstown, Attanagh, Laois / Attanagh, Kilkenny


Russellstown, Attanagh

18th March 2021

Nicky’s wife and family wish to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who has supported and sympathised with us over the last few weeks.

Thank you for the Mass cards, sympathy cards, letters, online condolences, phone calls, messages, floral tributes and memorial gifts.

We wish to express our appreciation to Fr. Eamonn O’Gorman for your comforting words, spiritual support and prayers in the days before and after Nicky’s passing. Thank you Fr. Eamonn, Julie, Alison and Pat for your preparations for his beautiful Requiem Mass.

Thanks to the Funeral Directors, John Phelan and Seamus Clancy for the professional manner in which they carried out their duties. Thank you to the gravediggers for preparing Nicky’s place of rest.

Our gratitude to everyone who helped Nicky over the past few years; to Dr. Kennedy and Sandra, the Public Health Nurses, those who cared for him in Respite and in Hospital and to Gerry and Thomas of the IWA.            A heartfelt thank you to his incredible Carers who always treated him with such kindness, love, respect and dignity and for the Guard of Honour on his final journey.

A special word of thanks to our extended family, treasured neighbours and friends. Although these unprecedented times have disrupted traditional Funeral rituals, you still found ways to make our loss more endurable. Sincere thanks for the gifts of food and beverages and for your numerous kind-hearted gestures. We are so fortunate to be part of such a wonderful Community. Thank you for lining the roads from home to Nicky’s final resting place in Ballyouskill. It was a very moving tribute to him and a huge source of comfort to us on the lonely journey to the Church.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a sincere token of our appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.