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Paddy (Patrick) Ruane

 Paddy (Patrick) Ruane 

St. Gerards, 37 Careystown Woods, Whitegate, Cork / Midleton, Cork

Acknowledgement and First Anniversary

As we remember our dearly loved Dad who passed on 05th May 2021, we would like to thank Paddy's very kind neighbours, in particular John and Orla, and his friends who gathered outside his home and stood along the funeral route to honour his funeral cortege. We wish to express our sincere heartfelt thanks to those who joined us for Dads funeral online to bid their final farewell. We would like to acknowledge all those who sent mass cards, text messages, condolences online, sent floral tributes, dropped food and refreshments, and to all those who travelled. 

Our sincere thanks to the Cork University Hospital, in particular all the staff of the Acute Medical Assessment Unit/Blackwater Suite. 

We would especially like to thank Martin and Mary O'Farrell of O'Farrells Funeral Home for their professionalism and for the dignified manner of the funeral arrangements, also Canon Denis Kelleher for celebrating Paddy's Requiem Mass, Wayne McSweeney for his music, Marcella McGrath for the Church Flowers, and the grave diggers who prepared Paddy's final resting place. Thanks to Linda and Pasquale for providing the food on the day.

 As it would be impossible to thank everybody individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude and appreciation.

Covid prevented us from celebrating Dad's life as a complete family unit, and while we would have loved to have had everyone with us, your sympathy and support has helped us immensely.

Our hearts are shattered, but we take comfort in knowing that Dad is back in the arms of the love of his life, our perfect Mam, his beloved Rita

May our dad Paddy rest in peace