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Paddy Wyndham

 Paddy Wyndham 

Derrartha More, Carraroe, Galway

Gaoithín, Paddy, Doire Fhearta Mór, An Cheathrú Rua a bhásaigh ar an 31 Iúil 2020. 
Ba mhaith linne, muintir Phaddy Ghaoithín, buíochas ó chroí a ghlacadh le chuile dhuine a chásaigh bás Phaddy linn. Ba mhaith linn buíochas speisialta a ghlacadh libse a tháinig chuig an teach, a sheol cártaí Aifrinn, cártaí teachtaireachtaí comhbhróin, agus a d'fhág teachtaireachtaí ar RIP.

Tá muid go mór faoi chomaoin ag ár gcomharsana, ár gcuid gaolta & ar gcairde uilig a thug an oiread sin tacaíochta dúinn, aimsir na sochraide. Tá muid an-bhuíoch den Athair Hughie Loftus as Aifreann na Sochraide a cheiliúradh,  le Mary Skehill as a cineáltas agus le hAnn as a cuid amhránaíochta álainn. Buíochas ó chroí leo siúd a réitigh an uaigh agus le foireann agus bainistíocht, An Chistin, a réitigh sólaistí deasa dúinn tar éis na sochraide.

Cuireadh aifreann buíochais ar bhur son 

We, the Wyndham Family, wish to express our sincere gratitude to all who sympathised with us on Paddy's passing. To all of you who called to our home, who offered messages of condolences in person, by text, over the phone, on, we are truly grateful.  We offer our heartfelt thanks to our neighbours, the many friends and relations who provided us with so much wonderful support during those difficult days. A special word of thanks to Father Hughie Loftus, for celebrating the Funeral Mass, to Mary Skehill for her kindness and to Ann, for her beautiful singing. To our wonderful neighbours who prepared Paddy's final resting place, to the staff and management of An Chistin for their lovely refreshments and kind hospitality following the funeral, our heartfelt gratitude to you.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for your intentions.