Peggy Regan (nee Shanley, Knockarush), late of Forest View, Boyle, who died 11th October, 2024. We the family of Peggy, husband Michael, sons Damian, Michael, Gus, Adrian, Kieran and extended family wish to thank most sincerely all who sympathised with us during our recent sad bereavement.
A special word of thanks to our friends and good neighbours who travelled from near and far to be with us. We gratefully appreciate the help and support of neighbours and friends who provided refreshments in our homes. To the staff of Abbey Haven Care Centre and Nursing home, Forest View neighbours and Roscommon Herald staff for providing Guards of Honour.
Thanks to all who attended the removal, funeral Mass, burial, to all who expressed their condolences on RIP website, social media, telephoned, offered prayers, sent messages, letters, mass cards, sympathy cards, enrolment certificates and floral tributes.
A special word of thanks to the management and staff of Abbey Haven Nursing Home, the Doctors and staff of Abbey Medical Centre and the staff of Chemco Pharmacy for their excellent care provided to Mammy down through the years.
Sincere appreciation to Fr Gerry Hanly for his spiritual care, his visits to Peggy and for officiating at the funeral ceremonies.
Thanks to Higgins & Sons, Undertakers for their professionalism and dignified manner, the gravediggers, Knockarush neighbours and sacristan. To Micheal Harrington and Majella Gaffney and also Sinead Conway and Graham for their beautiful song and music.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually who helped us in any way, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere gratitude and appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Peggy’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated in St. Joseph’s Church, Boyle on Saturday 9th November at 10am.
May her gentle soul rest in the eternal peace she so richly deserves.