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PJ Rooney

 PJ Rooney 

Laghey, Donegal

Laghey Waste Ltd



Co Donegal

10rd January 2025.

We the family of the late P.J Rooney, wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for the many expressions of sympathy, kindness and support shown to us during PJ’s illness and death.


We offer our heartfelt thanks to our family, friends, neighbours, those who attended the wake and funeral, sent mass and sympathy cards, letters, online condolences and donations to Donegal Town Community Hospital. Thank you to those who helped at the wake; to everyone who brought endless amounts of food and helped with making tea, to Chris and Keith for supplying lights and cones and to the Naomh Brid Club for their help with the traffic management.


Throughout the latter stages of PJ’s life, since the stroke, PJ and the family have been incredibly lucky to have received exceptional care and support from an endless list of people and organisations. The family wishes to extend their heartfelt gratitude to the staff in Letterkenny University Hospital and Rehab Unit, especially Professor Ken Mulpeters who remained a huge support to PJ and his family throughout the last 21 years. We would also like to give a special thanks to Dr Austin O’Kennedy and the staff at Millrow Family Practice for the care they showed PJ. A deep sense of thanks is also owed to the Irish Wheelchair Association and to all of PJ’s carers, especially Eileen and Adrian who have been constants in PJs life for many years and provided him with dedicated care and companionship.


Patricia and the family are also profoundly grateful to Susan and all the staff in Donegal Community Hospital, for their wonderful care and kindness, both during PJ’s respite stays and especially in his final days. PJ has also been blessed to have had many wonderful friends who consistently visited him and spent many hours talking to him over the last 21 years. There are too many to list but you know who you are and PJs family are eternally grateful for the support and companionship they offered him over the years.


We extend a special word of thanks to Fr Adrian Gavigan for the many house and hospital calls, and the beautiful funeral mass. Thank you also to Fr Danny Mc Brearty and Fr Eamon Graham who travelled to Ballintra to concelebrate with Fr Gavigan. To Jude, the altar servers and everyone who participated in PJ’s funeral mass, thank you for making it so special, especially Emma, Herta and Lauren for the beautiful music. Thank you to Maggie for the beautiful Order of Service booklets.


We greatly appreciate the advice and professionalism of Jackie & Tara of Carron Funeral Directors who carried out all the arrangements in a professional and dignified manner, your support to us was exceptional. To The Quinn Family in the Salmon Inn for organising a beautiful meal after the funeral and thanks to Peter Campbell & staff for providing the food.


As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this as an expression of our deepest gratitude. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.


PJ’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday the 7th Of February at 7pm in St Brigid’s Church, Ballintra.

