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Robert Harper

 Robert Harper 

Castlederg, Tyrone

The entire family circle of the late Robert Harper wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised and supported us during our recent bereavement. 


Special thanks to the nurses and doctors who cared for him in his final days and we will be forever grateful for the warmth they gave to him.  Sincere thanks to all those who attended the wake, sent cards, letters, messages of sympathy and attended the funeral.  To all our dear friends, family and neighbours who helped at the house before, during and after the wake, your kindness and support has been overwhelming.


We wish to express a special thank you to Fr. Paul Fraser for his continued friendship and loyal support of our family especially during this difficult time.  We are grateful for his compassion and guidance throughout the wake and funeral, and for the beautiful and personal mass and homily which was a fitting tribute to Robert’s life.  Thanks also to Fr. Arkinson and Fr. Canning who called to the family home during the wake. 


Special thanks to James McShane and Joan McCrystal for the beautiful music during the requiem mass.  Thank you to the Parish Tea Group for the refreshments after the funeral. 


Finally a special word of acknowledgement to Charlie Lynch Undertakers and Martin Donnelly for carrying out the funeral arrangements with great dignity, professionalism and sensitivity. 


As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this as an expression of our sincere appreciation to all who helped us in any way.  Robert’s Month’s Mind Mass will take place on Monday, 17th June, at 7.30pm in St. Patrick’s Church, Castlederg. 
