The family of the late Seamus Donohoe of Doogarry, Killeshandra who died on 17th June 2022 would like to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them on their great loss.
We offer our heartfelt thanks to the many friends and neighbours who provided emotional and practical support for us at this difficult time, as well as those who made donations in lieu of flowers to Oakview Residents Fund (Total donated €1400).
A special word of thanks to Dr Sean Bourke, the doctors, nurses and staff of Beaumont Hospital and Cavan Oncology Unit, Cavan/Monaghan palliative care and the public health nurse who cared for Seamus during his illness; Maureen and Mike Dennehy and the wonderful staff of Oakview Nursing Home who went above and beyond to care for Seamus in his final days; Fr. Oliver Reilly, Fr. Tom McKiernan, Fr. John McMahon and Fr. Dinny Murray for their support throughout Seamus' illness and officiating the funeral mass; Laura and Grainne Kavanagh for the beautiful music; all those who participated in the Mass; all those who stood in guards of honor; Mark Lawlor for his sensitive and professional handling of arrangements.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered at Knock Shrine for all who helped us in word or deed at a difficult time.
The First Anniversary Mass for Seamus will be held on Friday 23rd June 2023 in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Ballyconnell at 7pm.