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Seán Óg Mc Donnell

 Seán Óg Mc Donnell 

Castleblayney, Monaghan / Armagh City, Armagh


Annahale, Castleblayney, County Monaghan(Banbrook Hill, Armagh)


We, the family of the late Seán Óg McDonnell who passed away on the 11thof September 2024, wish to acknowledge with deep appreciation the many expressions of love and support shown to us during Sean's illness and during our recent sad bereavement. Our heartfelt thanks to the many friends, neighbours, work colleagues and extended family circle for their kindness in calling at our home, sending Mass cards, letters and messages of sympathy and to all those from near and far who attended the funeral.


To all the amazing carers and to everyone that helped us to care for Seán Óg in his own home over the past number of years we are extremely grateful to every one of you.


We are eternally grateful to the wonderful staff at Daisy Hill Hospital and St John’s Hospice Newry for the exceptional care and kindness shown to Seán ÓG and to us his family in his last couple of weeks.


 A deep appreciation to Fr Walsh, St Mary’s Church, Castleblayney for visiting and praying with us and for celebrating Seán Óg’s funeral Mass so beautifully. Thanks to Kelly Redmond who’s beautiful singing and music made the celebration of Seán Óg’s life special. Our heartfelt gratitude to Eamon and Martin at EC Hughes Funeral Undertakers who’s support and professionalism was greatly appreciated by us all.


As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this as an acknowledgement and as an expression of our deep and sincere gratitude.


Seán Óg will be missed forever.


Seán Óg’s Month's Mind Mass will be celebrated in St.Mary's Church, Castleblayney on Saturday 19th October 2024 at 6.00pm.
