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Sean (Seanie) Virgo

 Sean (Seanie) Virgo 

Fairhill, Cork

Second Anniversary

In loving memory of my darling husband Seanie whose second anniversary occurs on 11/12/23.


I can still recall the day we met & how you made me feel,

I loved you from the very start, I knew it felt so real.

Our bond will never be broken, our love was meant to be, 

it will last forever and for all eternity.


I once had something special that money could not buy,

I had a special person but I had to say goodbye,

if I was asked one question, why I thought the world of you,

I could give a million answers and they all would be so true.

The heartache and the sadness may not always show,

people say it lessens, but little do they know.

Meet me in my dreams and talk to me once more

and ease this everlasting pain that makes my heart so sore.

The road without you is so long, a tear for every mile,

but I know one day when I reach the end, you will be waiting for me with a smile. 

Deeply loved, sadly missed and always remembered by Celia.  

An anniversary Mass will be held in The Church of the Resurrection, Farranree, on Saturday, the 9th of Dec at 6.30pm.
