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Sheila O'Connell

 Sheila O'Connell 
(née McNamara)

Winterville, Winters Hill, Cork City, Cork

We the family of the late Sheila O'Connell (nee McNamara) of Winterville WintersHill, who died on the 24th of February 2022 would like to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with us on the loss of our beloved mother.

We offer our heartfelt thanks to our extended family, friends, neighbours and well-wishers who supported us at this time. For those who telephoned, travelled long distances, sent floral tributes, cards and messages of condolence.

A special word of thanks to the paramedics who attended our mother on the night she became ill. To Joe Coughlan and Staff of Coughlans Undertakers for the respect, sympathy and professionalism that they afforded to us at that sad time, to Broadlane Medical Practice we thank you.

To those who helped in any way, your contribution made our loss more bearable. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.

You're peacefully now sleeping,
In a world of purest light,
Where angels sing their sweet refrain, 
And where everything shines bright.

Beside the tranquil waters, 
You walk along each day, 
Where the blossoms are so beautiful, 
With the colours they display. 

You're so very dearly thought of,
And every precious memory, 
Has left a lovely rainbow, *
That will last eternally.

Sadly missed by her heartbroken children, Anne, Mary and Kieran.
