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Teresa Murnaghan

 Teresa Murnaghan 
(née Mooney)

Carrickmacross, Monaghan

We, the family of the late Teresa Murnaghan, wish to express our heart felt thanks and appreciation for all the kindness, sympathy & condolences that we received during our recent sad bereavement.  A very special thank you to all who attended the funeral home, Mass & burial. We would like to thank all our relatives, neighbours and friends, those people who travelled distances for the beautiful Mass cards, wreaths & many messages of condolence.


We are most grateful to Pauric & Catriona, Lonergan Funeral Directors, for their expert guidance and professional management of Teresa's funeral. Thanks also to those who prepared Teresa's final resting place.


Thank you to Monsg. Shane McCaughey for celebrating so peacefully the requiem Mass. We acknowledge & appreciate so much Rev Fr Daly for attending Castleross to pray with Teresa during her short sickness.


Thank you so much to Tom  Clarke, Padraig O'Reilly, Michael Mooney & the entire choir for the beautiful singing & music.


To the sacristans and to all those people who contributed to the Mass in any way, we wish our sincere thanks.


Our family really appreciates the excellent & gentle care that Teresa received while residing at Broomfield House, Castleross Nursing Home. We are so thankful to the residents & Teresa's close friends, thank you to the wonderful carers, nurses & management team for their professional assistance at all times. We are also very thankful to Dr Miriam Clarke who attended and comforted Teresa in more recent times.


Thanks to the management & staff of the Shirley Arms Hotel.


We are most grateful to all those people who visited Teresa regularly, thank you.


As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement of our sincere gratitude and appreciation to all.


Teresa's Month's Mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday, 12th May, at 12 noon in St Joseph's Church, Carrickmacross.

The Mass can also be viewed live by webcam service, St Joseph's Carrickmacross.


May Teresa Rest in Peace
