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Thomas (Tommy) Walsh

 Thomas (Tommy) Walsh 

Ballygriffin, Carrigeen, Mooncoin, Kilkenny / Carrigeen, Kilkenny

The family of the late Tommy Walsh wishes to acknowledge the many expressions of sympathy and gestures of kindness and support shown to us during and following our sad loss. We offer our heartfelt thanks to the many friends, neighbours, relatives and well wishers who visited our home, attended the wake/removal, the Mass and  burial. A special word of thanks, to the card players who formed a proud guard of honour for Tommy as he entered the church! Our sincere thanks to those who travelled from far and near to attend his wake and funeral; to all who phoned, sent Mass cards, messages of condolences and who gave donations to Waterford Hospice Palliative Home Care.


We offer our sincere appreciation and gratitude to Fr Martin Tobin for his frequent visits to Tommy in hospital and at home, his spiritual help and for making Tommy’s final journey so peaceful, easy and meaningful. Thanks to Suzanne, Hannah and Jane for the solemn music and song during Mass, and to all who participated in readings, offertory gifts, prayers of the faithful, communion reflection and the ministers of the Eucharist.


We thank the staff of WUH, his GP Dr Sean McBrinn and his reception staff, Gallagher’s Pharmacy, our Public Health Nurse Sarah, Breda Reflexologist and the Palliative Home Care Nurse Claire for their attention to detail, care, kindness and understanding for Tommy during his illness. We offer our sincere thanks to the Social Committee of Carrigeen Church who provided the food and refreshments after the funeral Mass.


Finally, thank you to Powers Funeral Directors who carried out the funeral arrangements with such care, respect and dignity from the beginning to the end; and to the grave diggers who prepared Tommy’s final resting place. We understand it is impossible to thank everyone individually and hope that you will accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere gratitude and appreciation to everybody. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for your intentions.