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William (Liam) Dunne

 William (Liam) Dunne 

Yellow Road, Castlecomer, Castlecomer, Kilkenny

Liam's wife, Maria, her family and Liam's family including those near and far, would like to express their sincere thanks to everyone who offered their condolences and Mass intentions  throughout their recent loss.

A special word of thanks to Paddy Coady and staff for their respectful proceedings throughout, together with the unique arrangement to have two of Liam's sons, David in England and Paul in Spain linked to the Wake via Whatsapp.  We also give our sincere thanks to Angela Byrne, Sacristan of Castlecomer Church for organising the Legion of Mary to assist in the Rosary prayers led by Mons Michael Ryan and also those local to Castlecomer who attended within these strange times.

Sincere thanks too, to the Castlecomer Support (GAA) Team who kindly offered their support at a most difficult time.  Assistance from the pallbearers on entrance to the church and after to the burial in the church grounds is also greatly appreciated, together with family, friends and neighbours, who gave so much of their time and compassion over these past few weeks - it would be impossible to thank everyone individually - please accept our sincere thanks. 

To Dr Tom Lynch, Castlecomer and his medical team, including receptionists; all the medical staff of St Luke's Hospital, Kilkenny and to all the medical staff of Aut Even Hospital, Kilkenny we shall forever be indebted to you for your devotion to duty and in keeping yourselves and everyone respectfully safe and personal. A note of thanks also, to Drakelands Nursing Home for making it possible for Liam's sister, Bunty (Julia O'Loane) to view the service via webcam.

Our deep appreciation to Fr Ian Doyle for conducting such a beautiful funeral service and giving Maria and two sons of Liam, Michael and John the opportunity to connect with their family, friends and neighbours with an impromptu wave to the webcam.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.

Those who wish to join in celebrating Liam's Month's Mind Mass on Sunday, 24th May at 11:00am may do so via the Castlecomer Parish Webcam