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Belong To

13 Parliament Street, Dublin 2

Belong To - LGBTQ+ Youth Ireland provides life-saving supports to LGBTQ+ young people across Ireland. With your support, together we can work to create a society where LGBTQ+ young people are safe to shine and can confidently shape their own futures.

Your Gift in Memory

You can have a lasting impact. You can make your legacy live on with a gift to support future generations of LGBTQ+ young people. Your generosity will create safe spaces for young people and your legacy will be one of love, acceptance and inclusion for generations to come. 


Contact Us

If you are interested in leaving a gift to Belong To in your will or a gift in memory please contact or call 01 264 0731.

If you wish to give a gift today please visit Belong To’s website. 


Contact Details


13 Parliament Street, Dublin 2