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Breslin Funeral Directors

Serving Donegal-Sligo-Leitrim

Breslin Funeral Directors have been serving the people of the North-West with care, respect and dignity for 50 years.

During that time we have always consistently provided bereaved families with the utmost professionalism, care and dignity that each and every one of us deserves.


We are always striving on ways to provide the best service to each and every family when needed, and always willing to go above and beyond the call of duty to help, advise, guide and care for every family and every loved one that we have the privilege to serve.


We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days of the year. We do not use an answering service so your call will always be answered personally by one of our funeral directors, even if you call us in the middle of the night or at the weekend.

Our professional and caring staff is dedicated to working with your family to provide assistance in selecting high quality and affordable funeral services during a time.

We take great pride in how we present ourselves, our funeral home, our services and our vehicles. We as funeral professionals treat the deceased and their family with the highest level of care, respect, compassion and dignity at all times. 

We also ensure that in our dealings with the family, that any information we are given regarding the deceased or the family is treated as strictly confidential by us.

Contact Details


Serving Donegal-Sligo-Leitrim
071-9829990 or 071-9829828
086-2492036 (Donal)