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CUH Charity - Cork University Hospital

Cork University Hospital, Wilton, Cork

As a hospital, it is inevitable that some people will die while in our care. Just as every life matters, every death matters too – every death impacts a family, impacts the staff and impacts members of the wider community.

CUH & CUMH staff want to ensure we offer dignity and care for the patient and all those journeying with the patient at end-of-life. Our colleagues in CUH & CUMH have the unique experience of seeing people’s first breaths and their last – and both moments are as important as each other. 


And we thank you for considering a donation to CUH Charity in memory of your loved one. It is extremely selfless at this incredibly difficult time. CUH Charity’s mission is simple – Saving and Changing Lives.


Donations in memory of your loved one will create a legacy for them that will help generations to come as we use those funds to invest in high-tech equipment or give a patient a better experience while they are on their journey through CUH or CUMH. 


If you have any questions about giving gifts in memoriam, please reach out to


If you would like to set up an online memorial page, please visit this link:


Choose CUH (Cork University Hospital) Charity as your charity, then select ‘Memorial’. This way you can create a beautiful memorial page for your loved one and give people the opportunity to easily give in lieu of flowers, If you wish.


Contact Details


Cork University Hospital, Wilton, Cork