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Darran Bourke


Church singer based in North Tipperary covering mostly Tipp, Galway, Offaly and available through all counties.

I have grown up with church music being very much in my life singing at many different church occasions on and off over a 40-year period.

In the past 8-10 years particularly, I have been singing at funerals across the country. It’s something I really like because of its importance to the deceased and to the families and friends affected.

I have a long list of liturgical and contemporary songs appropriate for these very occasions, I will assist you in every way I can when it comes to choosing a personal programme for your loved one’s funeral mass. I will honour them in prayer, through music, and my hope is to give you even just a little piece of comfort during that time.


Services Provided

Funeral Mass
Mass of the Angels
Graveside song
Months Mind
Anniversary Masses


Youtube Links

Here I Am Lord

Amazing Grace

There’s a Place. Church Hymn

Be not Afraid

The Old Man

Hey God

Forever & Amen


Feel free to browse through my website for more music videos, detailed information and social media.



Below is a general running order of a Funeral Mass including some (but not all) hymns and songs I sing to give you an idea of what’s generally required at a funeral and what I provide. For a more comprehensive list of hymns and songs please click the link below.




Be still for the presence of the lord

There’s a place

Here I am Lord

Penitential Rite


Thiarnna dean trociare

Lord have Mercy


The lords my Shepard

Eagles wings

As A Deer Craves Running Water



Ag Criost an Siol

Take our Bread

The Potters Hand

Holy Holy

Memorial Acclimation

Save us Saviour of the world

He is Lord

Come let us adore Him (Christmas)


Sign of Peace. 

Lamb of God


Be not afraid 

Clouds Veil 

Amazing grace

Final Commendation

Receive His/Her soul

Recessional/Leaving the church

How great thou art

Nearer my God to thee

Song Of Farewell (May the Choirs of Angels)

Other Song/Hymn Suggestions

Hey God

Go rest high on that mountain

Steal Away

My old man

Parting Glass

A Mothers love’s a blessing

My Forever Friend

Will the circle be unbroken

Goodbye my old Friend

Jealous of the Angels

Lady Of Knock

Scars in heaven

Remember Me

I Watch The Sunrise

May the Road Rise to Meet You

Hail Queen of Heaven

May the Choirs of Angels

Going Home

Soul of my Saviour

Stand by me

Voice of an Angel

You raise me up

Avé Maria

Panis Angelicus

Hail Mary


There are many more hymns and songs I provide and if there’s any I don’t know I’m always happy to learn them so don’t hesitate to ask.

Contact Details

