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Galway Simon Community

11 Sean Mulvoy Centre, Sean Mulvoy Road, Galway, H91 EAY0

Galway Simon Community provides services to people experiencing homelessness in Galway, Mayo and Roscommon. Originally set up in 1979 by a group of volunteers who started doing a soup run initially twice weekly but were soon going out every night.

Today we provide homes to over 180 people every night in addition to providing Prevention and Tenancy Sustainment and Health & Wellbeing Services to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. 


Due to inadequate supply of affordable accommodation record numbers of people are  homelessness and are turning to us for help. We can only continue to be there for families and individuals with the ongoing support of the public. 


Please help us to end the trauma of homelessness. 


How to help

Donate to Galway Simon

Your donation will ensure that we can continue to help prevent individuals and families from experiencing the trauma of homelessness.

Leaving a Gift in Your Will

A Legacy Gift in your will, big or small, will help Galway Simon Community to be there for people facing homelessness in the future.


Contact Details


11 Sean Mulvoy Centre, Sean Mulvoy Road, Galway, H91 EAY0