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Gleasure's Funeral Directors
Matt Talbot Road, Tralee, Co. Kerry

Each individual family member may have different needs and expectations. Some may be totally overwhelmed by the trauma of the event that has just occurred.
Quite often now we find that the deceased person may have chosen to make their own funeral arrangements in advance, thus sparing their family the confusion and uncertainty of making decisions in a situation that they may never have encountered before.
Whatever the circumstances, The Gleasure Funeral Home team responds instantly and professionally, no matter where or in what circumstances the death has occurred. One telephone call is all that it takes to get all of the necessary arrangements under way sensitively, confidentially and efficiently.
Service offered
- Coffin Showroom
- Burial & Cremation
- Hearse
- Condolence Book/Books
- Religious & Non-Rel. Funerals
- Green Funeral Options
- Embalming
- Private Funeral Home
- Mourning cars
- Notices to: paper, Web, radio
- Organise funeral music
- Flowers
- Repatriation to & from Ireland
- Video streaming facilities
Matt Talbot Road, Tralee, Co. Kerry
Gleasure's Funeral Directors