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Lynch's Funeral Directors
Castlegregory, Co. Kerry, V92 F208

Based in Castlegregory, we serve communities all over the Dingle Peninsula (Corca Dhuibhne) along with many other parishes and villages in Co. Kerry.
Lynch's Funeral Home has three decades of experience providing repatriation services to families from all over the world. We can make all the arrangements that are necessary to bring a loved one back to Ireland. We also arrange the repatriation of the deceased from Ireland to their country of origin.
Seán give each funeral his full attention and treats each funeral as unique. We have a reputation for delivering a caring, confidential, personal and professional service. We facilitate reposing in the family home or at our funeral home. Funeral arrangements are carried out with the family wishes and those of the deceased. We are here for families day and night.
If you would like more information please give us a call anytime on 066-7139128 and 087-6865632 or visit us at
Contact Details
Castlegregory, Co. Kerry, V92 F208
+353 (0) 66-7139128
+353 (0) 87-6865632
Castlegregory Kerry