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North West Hospice

The Mall, Sligo Town, Co. Sligo

North West Hospice provides palliative care services for people with life limiting illnesses where they are residing, be that at home, in a nursing home, hospital or in our hospice.

Palliative care involves meeting an individual and assessing their needs and those of their families, spiritually, physically, socially and emotionally.


These needs are then addressed with the aim of improving quality of life for the patients and their family. 

In order to provide this care, North West hospice has a team of professionals including Doctors, Nurses, Social Workers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and chaplaincy services.



North West Hospice would not exist without the dedication and generosity of the many people who help us fundraise.

Fundraising & Donations

Donations to North West Hospice are vital in allowing us to maintain our essential services.


Volunteers make a difference to North West Hospice! They have an important role in enhancing and supporting our services.

Legacy and Bequests


A gift created through a Will, no matter how big or small, is a thoughtful way to support and pay tribute to our services.

By including North West Hospice in your will, you are providing a legacy for your community, who will benefit from our care and services.


Contact Details


The Mall, Sligo Town, Co. Sligo
(071) 9143317
Hospice Centre (071) 9170523