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Staffords Funeral Directors

59/60 North Strand, Dublin 3


From Ireland to another country


When your loved one passes away in Ireland, and wishes to be sent back to their home country to be buried or cremated, we can look after everything from the collection of the remains right up to transferring them to the airport.


For many years now, Staffords have built up a reputation of expertise in working speedily and efficiently through the bureaurcratic minefield that is often associated with bringing a departed loved one home to another country. We will arrange everything such as obtaining the appropriate paperwork, e.g. death cert, out of state papers, and dealing with various embassies.


We will collect the remains from their place of death and bring them to our funeral home for preparation and we can also facilitate viewing for friends/family in one of our chapels in our funeral home. Staffords will then book the flights for the deceased and arrange to have the coffin transferred to the airport the day prior to departure.


Contact Details


59/60 North Strand, Dublin 3