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Andrew (Nipper) Shortall, Ballykilmurray, Kiltegan, Co. Wicklow – 29th July 2023 (suddenly following a road traffic accident); Beloved husband of the late Rose and son of the late Tommy and Mary. Sadly missed by his heartbroken family, sisters Mary, Catherine and Bridget, brothers Tom, Mikie, Denis and Joey, nephews, nieces, grandnephews, grandnieces, extended family, relatives and friends.
May Andrew Rest In Peace.
Reposing at his brother Mikie’s residence in Tynock, Kiltegan (Eircode W91 H1W6) from 2pm on Tuesday, 1st August concluding at 8pm. House private thereafter please. Funeral arriving to St. Mary’s Church, Killamoate on Wednesday for 2pm Requiem Mass after which he will be laid to rest with Rose in Tynaclash Cemetery.
If you would like to leave a personal message of condolence, you may do so in the ‘Condolences’ section below.
Date Published:
Monday 31st July 2023
Date of Death:
Saturday 29th July 2023