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Cidnea (Cidy) Farrell

The death has occurred of

Cidnea (Cidy) Farrell
(née Santos Macedo Costa)

Lucan, Dublin / Rathdrum, Wicklow

Cidnea (Cidy) Farrell (née Santos Macedo Costa) of Lucan, Dublin and formerly of Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 30th January 2025, peacefully at home. Cherished wife of the late Stan, loved and loving mother of Adrian. Predeceased by her brother Cid (Costa). She will be greatly missed and fondly remembered by her son, daughter-in-law Elaine, adored granddaughters Elisa and Emily, considered niece Julia, cousins, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, and wide circle of relatives and friends in Brazil and Ireland.


Reposing at Brennan Woulahan Funeral Home, Avoca Road, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow (A67 C562) on Friday 7th February from 1pm with Funeral Service in the Funeral Home at 2pm. Burial afterwards in Rathdrum Cemetery.


Flowers welcome or donations, in lieu, to the The Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland.



FARRELL, Cidnea (Cidy) (Lucan e anteriormente de Angra dos Reis, Brasil), 30 de janeiro de 2025, pacificamente em casa. Querida esposa de Stan (falecido), amada e amorosa mãe de Adrian. Precedida por seu irmão Cid (Costa). Ela fará muita falta e será lembrada com carinho por seu filho, nora Elaine, duas adoradas netas Elisa e Emily, sobrinha do coração Julia, primos, cunhadas, cunhados e amplo círculo de parentes e amigos no Brasil e na Irlanda.


Repousa na Brennan Woulahan’s Funeral Home – Avoca Road, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow, A67 C562 na sexta-feira à tarde (7 de fevereiro), a partir das 14hrs. Sepultamento depois no Cemitério de Rathdrum.


Flores são bem-vindas no local do sepultamento. Doações para a Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland.

Date Published:

Monday 3rd February 2025

Date of Death:

Thursday 30th January 2025

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