Deirdre Farrell

Condolence Book for

Deirdre Farrell
(née O'Dwyer)

Ballinaclough, Golden, Tipperary

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So sorry to hear of the sad death of Deirdre. Thinking of Tony and children, and Sheila and all the Farrell family.
Ron and Maria Clery Carlow
— Maria Clery née Crosse
Our deepest sympathy to you Tony and your family at this very sad time . May you rest in peace Deirdre
— Geraldine and Neil Fitzgerald
Deepest sympthys to the Farrell family of the sad passing of your wife deirdre thinking of you Tony children extended family and friends, may she rest in peace...
— Sineadryan camus Cross Cashel Co tipperary
Sincere sympathy to all Deirdre's family. May she Rest in Peace.
— Marie and Tom Hally, Racecourse, Cashel
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