Peter Thursfield

Condolence Book for

Peter Thursfield

Rathmines, Dublin

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Dear Rosaleen, Katie, Sarah and Charlotte, we are very sorry to hear of the sad passing of your much loved husband and dad, Peter. May his gentle soul Rest in Peace. We send our heartfelt condolences to you and to all the extended family at this very sad time. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. God bless.
— Leo, Christina Bohan & family, Eslin, Leitrim.
Deepest sympathy to Rosaleen and family on the passing of Peter.May he rest in peace.Thinking of you at this sad time.
— Ray&Grainne Bohan Leitrim
My dear Rosie, it is with much sadness that I’ve learnt of the passing of your dear husband Peter, a very dear and special friend of mine. We had many enjoyable times together as we discussed life in the Northumberland country where we both worked. He very kindly finalised the development of pictures for my first book, Where the Sun Sets. I was honoured by both of you to celebrate the baptism of your first daughter, Katie, which was a beautiful and memorable occasion. You and your girls are in my thoughts and prayers at this very sad time. May Peter’s gentle souls rest in the Peace of Christ.
— Father Sean Noone, Pollathomas, Ballina, Co. Mayo.
Condolences Rosie and family on your loss. Peter was one of the best, a true professional and always willing to go the extra mile. It was a privilege to know him and work with him. He will be greatly missed.
— Noel Costello
Peter was such a gentleman. Followed us (Terenure College RFC) all over the country taking fantastic pictures of us in all conditions. He was always someone I enjoyed having a conversation and a pint with post match. He will be missed greatly by all. RIP
— Mark O'Neill
Rosie, Kate, Sarah and Charlotte, I was saddened to hear of Peter's passing. I had the pleasure of his company many times down the club (Terenure College RFC). No words of mine will fill the hole he leaves behind.
May his soul and souls of the faithfully departed rest in peace.
— Colin 'Philly' Phillips - Now of Texas USA
I was deeply saddened to hear of Peter's passing. We worked together for a while and he would often say to me, "I'll be guided by you on this one mate." But all the while, in his gentle, generous, humble manner, he was guiding me, and always in the right direction.
He was a wonderful colleague and I feel honoured to have known him.
Sincere condolences to Rosie and the girls.
— Mark Siggins
I was so sad to hear of Peter’s passing.Rosalee and family my deepest condolences.Peter was a fantastic photographer and a true gentleman.Rest In Peace Peter 🙏🙏🙏
— Kevin Wall ex Irish Times
Rosie Sarah Katie and Charlotte
Heartfelt condolences to you all on Peter’s death. So sorry and sad for your loss. Peter was a gentleman, kind funny and charming. He loved all his ‘girls’ dearly and spoke of you all so fondly. I remember his great kindness when I fundraised for Our Lady’s School. Peter took wonderful photos of our project and in his Inimitable way managed to make me feel I had done him a favour. Peter was kind, self efffacing, interested in the people he met and so talented drawing them out. He will be greatly missed by all who loved and knew him.
May the love of family friends and admirers comfort you as you grieve.
Ar Dheis De do anam dilis
— Susanne Coleman
Sincere condolences to all Peter's family and many friends. I have happy memories of being with Peter in the chamber at Newgrange waiting for dawn. He was always very kind, courteous and fun. May he rest in peace.
— Clare Tuffy
I have only just heard of Peter’s passing. My sincere condelences to his family. A lovely man , always so helpful. He loved his photography whether for Terenure College RFC or The Irish Times. He will be missed may he rest in peace.
— Barry Coleman
Peter was a true gentleman to work with many years ago and will be greatly missed by all who came in contact with him.OLIVIA HALL SMITH.
As everyone says, Peter was such a gentleman in every sense of the word. I enjoyed discussing our common interests, Rugby , France and I am sure I wrecked his head about photography. Sincere condolences to the family. He will be missed at Terenure RFC where he gave so much. RIP Peter.
— Mossie Walker
So sorry to hear of Peter’s passing, an absolute gentleman, kind and fun to be around. Rest in peace Peter you will be missed
— Pam Harrison (Ronnie’s sister)
Rosie, I was very sad to hear of Peter's passing and wanted to send you and the girls my condolences. I always admired the wonderful life and family you made together, full of love, joy and adventure and I know you will all miss him enormously. Take care. Eileen
— Eileen Martin
Brings back memories of the Photographers Dept. 3rd floor Fleet St. Always courteous always a gentleman. Rest in Peace Peter.
— Paul White, Irish Times.
Dear Rosie. I have lovely memories of Peter and yourself and was very sorry to hear the sad news.
Peter was a gorgeous man, always so helpful, obliging and a gentleman.

I remember his love and devotion to you.

Bless you and family.

May love and dear friends and family surround you with love and care.

Goid night Peter. Rest in Peace
— Ross Grant
So very sorry to hear of the death of Peter, and offering Rosie and the children my sincere condolences. Although it is many years since we met it was always lovely to meet a South Shields Geordie like myself.
MHDS rest in peace
— SusanBenson
Rosie I was so sorry to hear of Peter’s death. He was such a kind, warm and gentle man and the consummate professional. It was a great pleasure to have worked with him for so many years. May your memories help bring you comfort and may he rest in eternal peace
— Maeve Donovan
Rosie, I was so sorry to hear of Peter’s death. He was a wonderful colleague for many years - always so interested and fun and considerate. A true gentleman. May he rest in peace
— Orna Mulcahy
Peter Thursfield - complete family man, so kind, funny, intelligent, thoughtful, beyond talented. A giver.

His love for his family was endless and shone from him.

A remarkable man.

May he rest in gentle peace
— Linda Hackett
Peter was a wonderful person to work with and a wonderful person to meet outside of work. Always friendly, interested and interesting. Lovely moving speech by Kate this morning. Sincere sympathy to Rosaleen and the girls on their huge loss.
— Eoin McVey
RIP Peter
— Garry Partridge Irish Times
Very sorry to hear of the death of Peter whose work was always of the highest standard. Condolences to his wife and family.
— Michael Fisher
May Peter rest in Peace, Mark D. Press photographer
— Mark Doyle
Sarah, Rosie & the girls, so sorry to hear of Peter’s death, a lovely man and talented photographer whenever we bumped into him in the KPS school yard back in the 1990s.
Jean & Aoife (ex Dartry)
— Jean O’Brien & Aoife O’Hagan
I was so sad to hear of the passing of Peter, my old Irish Times colleague. He was a thorough gentleman in every way & always such a pleasure to work with. My memories of Peter are very special and I send my sincere to Rosie, your girls & his extended family. Rest in peace Peter.
— Edmund Van Esbeck
I have many fond memories of conversations with Peter in the rugby club. Such a warm, humble and kind man, and a master of his craft. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
— John Bollard
Saddened to hear of Peter’s passing …
The loveliest of men …
Sincere condolences
May he rest in peace
— Catherine Condell
I was shocked to hear of Peters death. My sincere sympathy to Rosaleen and family. We worked together over thirty years, and always knew Peter had my back. He was a great photographer and colleague. Rest in peace.
— Pat langan
Deepest sympathy to Peter's family at this sad time. Meeting Peter was always a delightful experience. His talent and support will never be forgotten. May he rest in peace.
— Sheamus Smith
Another star in the sky tonight, twinkling right above 188. He gave me so much. Good night Peter, God bless.
— Rory Lynch
My sincere and deepest condolences to Rosaleen and Family. Peter was a good guy and will be greatly missed. May he rest in Peace. 🙏🏻

Derek and Karl Grant.
— Derek Grant
Peter always made me smile. He was simply the best. What a hole he leaves... (he would get that.)

Love to you Rosie. See you again before long I hope. Meanwhile snuggle up at this tough, tough time.

A xxx
— Anthea McTeirnan
Deepest sympathies to Rosie and the girls on the passing of one of my best pals since the wheel was invented.
We were mates in South Shields when we were young men and remain so forever.
It may have been weeks or even months since we spoke but when the phone was answered at either end it just seemed like yesterday. True friends.
I will miss those calls which were often initiated by the performance of our beloved Mags. Rest in peace mate.
— Peter Cranshaw (Cranny)
So sad to hear of Peter's passing, he was a talented and enthusiastic colleague for many years in The Irish Times. My thoughts are with Rosaleen and the girls, at this sad time. He will be missed. Joan
— Joan Scales
I have very happy memories of many interesting conversations with Peter in the Club. His contributions will be sadly missed 😥 Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
— Paddy Fitzmaurice
Sad Loss to the world, Peter was one of the good ones! It was a privilege to know you, Peter. I expect someone might get a Free Soup and Sandwage at your funeral as We did the day you promised to buy me lunch but your Yorkshire Thrift held good!
— Seán Walsh
Sorry for your loss, Peter was a lovely man. Always fun, kind and encouraging. Take care, Marc
— Marc O'Sullivan
To Rosie ,Katie, Sarah ,Charlotte and the extended Thursfield family , sending you our condolences at this sad and utterly devastating time.Peter will be missed by all who knew him,his spirit and presence will live on through you.Mind yourselves and each other.
— Christopher Doyle
I didnt know Peter well, we met over a picture he wanted for Irish Times, in my fledging career as a photographer he gave me the confidence to believe in and pursue what I was doing - forever grateful for his encouragement at that time - a great guy, so easy to connect with.
— Barry Delaney
Rosie, our deepest sympathies to you and your beautiful girls on Peter’s very sad passing. He was such a gentleman who would always stop to have a lovely chat when we would meet him around Rathmines and you always felt better having met him. May he rest in peace
— Tony Ennis and Eileen Murray
Deepest condolences to Peters Wife and family .Peter was a true gentleman and a leader in his profession.He will always be remembered in Terenure College Rugby Club .
— Hugh and Aedin Cassidy
Deepest sympathy on Peters death.He was a lovely neighbour in Rossmore ,many moons ago.
— Garrett and Catherine Edge
Deepest sympathies to the family of Peter, a lovely man to meet and share a few beers with in the rugby club.
May Peter rest in peace.
— Des Thornton
Peter was one of life's true gentlemen! We never met in person but had many a conversation on the phone over the years during his time in The Irish Times. He was a patient and a kind man and I am very sorry to hear of his passing. I will keep his family in my prayers.
— Ciara Wilkinson (photographer)
Deepest sympathies to Rosie and the girls, the Gentle Geordie was such a brilliant photographer with a great sense of humour, a great cook too! He gave lots of us photographers our first break and we would do anything for him. He had a sponge of a brain and he'll be very sadly missed by all. Rest in Peace.
— Barry Cronin
I was very sorry to hear of Peter's death, I had the privilege of doing some work experience at the Irish times whilst he was there as editor. And through my career he was very generous with his time and encouragement. I'm very sorry for your loss , he one of the great photographers in our industry and will be sorely missed by everyone who met him. He was a true gent and I continue to look up to him, God bless your family now and forever, sincerely, Sam Boal
— Sam boal
Sincere sympathy to Peter’s family. It was a privilege to know him because he had so many admirable qualities. It was always such a pleasure to spend time in his company. Forty years ago we were together in Ballinamore when the Gardai and Army found Don Tidey. Rest in Peace, noble pal.
— Tommie Gorman
Rosie & family, very sad to hear of Peter's passing i wish you all well over the coming days. You made your own bit of history as picture editors in different 'Times'. I will always remember Peter assigning me to cover snow scenes in Kerry back in the 80's. I spent hours getting pics but he wanted 'snow falling' and my pics only had snow on ground.. so back out and like the 'rte magpies' or 'kitkat' moment no sign of snow until i sent the b/w pics by wire.. So reshoot of snow falling and pic appeared the next day..Peter knew the significance... "May the snow fall gently once again in his memory, alas no more reshoots" 🙏
— Don MacMonagle
I’m really sad to learn of Peter’s death. He was a wonderful photographer and videographer, great to work with, unfailingly obliging and always achieved brilliant results.
My deepest sympathy to the Thursfield family.
— Attracta Halpin
Deepest sympathies to Rosie and family on Peter's death. His talent was not just as a photographer, but as a warm and generous colleague.
— Mary Morrissy
Dearest Rosie, Katie, Sarah and Charlotte, x. Am so very sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences. May Peter rest in peace. Thinking of you all.
With much love,
Andie Whelan and Peter Grzywinski, xx
— Andie Whelan
Please accept my deepest sympathy and sincere condolence. So sad to hear of the passing of a delightful colleague and wonderful photographer. Peter was always kind, courteous and helpful and a pleasure to meet 'on the job'. Sadly missede
— Brian Barron. ex-Irish Press Group
Deepest sympathy to Rosie , the girls and the extended Thursfield family on the passing of Peter , may he rest in peace. . Thinking of you all at this sad and very difficult time .
— Peg Bohan , London
To dearest Rosaleen and Peter's 3 daughters my deepest sympathy. I was very sad to read about his death. Peter was a lovely man, a pleasure to work with for over 30 years always patient, kind and understanding especailly when it came to scanning in his negatives. A wonderful Photographer who won many awards for his work and rightly so... RIP
— Irene Stevenson
So sad to hear of Peter's death. My condolences to Rosie and all the family. Such lovely memories of conversations and his wonderful presence in the Irish Times in the 1980's. Rest in peace Peter.
— Rosemary Murphy Dwyer
To Katie and family, I’m so so sorry to hear this sad news. Sending you hugs and deepest condolences from Mayo.
— Irene Walsh
So sorry to hear of peter’s passing. He was a kind and loving person. He will be sadly missed. My deepest sympathy to his wife and daughters.
— Kevin Macklin Florida
Sending my deepest sympathy to Peter’s family, Peter was a fellow colleague & will be missed
— Donal Doherty
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