Professor Seán McNamara

Condolence Book for

Professor Seán McNamara

Seacrest, Knocknacarra, Galway / Newcastle, Galway

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Deepest sympathy to you Pat, Eric and Niall on the passing of your beloved Husband and Father.
So much achieved in life.
A gentle Gentleman.
— Frances and Kieran Daly.
My condolences to the entire family of Professor McNamara. May he rest in peace.
— Marie (Kavanagh) Calabria
Just learned of Sean's passing. He was very talented engineer and contributed greatly to the growth of the profession in Ireland. He was great company and I recall a lovely game of golf in Rosslare with Matt and himself about 20 years ago. Deepest sympathy to his family and to Matt and Una.
May he rest in peace.
— Philip Callery, Rosslare
Just learnt the news of Prof Seans Passing. I have fond memories of being taught by him in NUIG in the mid 2000s. Learned a huge amount in terms of knowledge and professionalism.
May he rest in peace.
— Michael Monaghan
I was saddened to learn of Seán’s death, and I offer my sincere condolences to his family. A supportive colleague of unfailing courtesy. Trócaire ar a anam.
— Gearóid Ó Tuathaigh
My condolences to the McNamara family on the loss of Sean. As a former student (undergraduate and postgraduate) of the UCG Department of Mechanical Engineering, and also an alumnus of MCS International, his leadership and example had a significant and very positive impact on my education and training. May he rest in peace.

Garrett McGuinness (DCU)
— Garrett McGuinness
Very sad news to hear of Sean’s passing. It takes me back to the early '80s when I taught a design engineering class at the mech eng department under Sean's guidance, and I got to know Sean quite well. Sean would come to parties that Maura and I gave at our home in Kiltulla, and he was always a great conversationalist and really, great fun! He did a lot for the university too, and helped setup the mech eng department for its future success. I can't believe it was 40 years ago. Sincere condolences to Sean’s family.
— Peter Brew
To Pat and all of the extended McNamara family, sincere condolences on your loss. Seán was a fantastic mentor who inspired me and others to pursue academic careers, and he had a huge impact on Engineering education and industry in Ireland. May he rest in peace. From Mike Madden & Martha Fahy.
— Mike Madden, University of Galway and formerly MCS
Sincere condolences to Pat and all the family on the passing of Seán. We were saddened by the news and all are in our prayers. A kind and sincere gentleman at all times. May he rest in peace.
— Trevor & Marjorie McCamley, Newcastle.
Deepest sympathies to the McNamara family on Sean’s passing. I am a former Mechanical Engineering graduate and former MCS employee. Professor McNamara was a pillar of strength in both institutions. He proved to be a positive guiding force throughout that time in my life. May he rest in peace. Joseph Kilcullen BE Graduated 1994
— Joseph Kilcullen
Sincere condolences to the McNamara family on Seán’s passing.
May he rest in peace.
— Siobhán McTigue Reardon
Sincere condolences to all the McNamara family on the death of Sean. May he rest in peace.
— Mary O’Riordan, ex UCG/NUIG
Deepest sympathy to Úna and the McNamara family on the passing of Sean. May he Rest In Peace.
— Celia McCarthy, Circular Rd.
My sincere condolences to Pat, sons Niall and Eric, and extended family and friends on the loss of Seán. All the staff of St Pius would like to convey our sympathies to ye, may Seán now rest in peace, ye are all in our thoughts and prayers at this time.
— Áine Staff Nurse St Pius GUH
My deepest condolences to Pat, Niall and Eric and families, and also to Matt, Laoise and Cian on the sad passing of Seán. He was a remarkabIe engineer and academic. I was very fortunate to be one of the first three members of academic staff to join Seán's new Department of Mech Eng in 1981. He encouraged us to build research programmes and accept only the highest standards, and he motivated everyone. Apart from his department leadership, Seán made an enormous contribution at a national level in: creating the Biomedical Engineering degree within Mechanical Engineering - which helped make Galway a global hub for medical technology; spinning off one of Ireland's earliest large software technology companies, MCS. In terms of legacy, isn't it amazing that the technology on advanced modelling of offshore structures that Seán's team developed 40 years ago will be used today by MCS's descendent company to develop Ireland's future offshore wind potential!
All this was achieved at a time when financial resources where very limited in Ireland and is proof of Sean's vision, intellect, motivational capability and tenacity.
— Paul Monaghan
Sincere condolences to all the McNamara family on the death of Sean. May he rest in peace.
— Michael and Maureen Mooney
I am deeply sorry to hear about the passing of Sean. From the moment I entered the hallowed halls of mech eng, he had a lasting influence and impact on my life. During this difficult time, my thoughts are with you Pat, Niall and Eric. Please accept my heartfelt condolences. May you find strength in the love and memories you shared.
— Billy Shine
My sincerest condolences to the McNamara family on Sean's passing; may he rest in peace.
— Padraic Fogarty
Sincere condolences to Pat, Niall & Eric and your families. Thinking of you all , Rip Sean
— Elizabeth and Clodagh Connolly
My sincere condolences to Pat, Niall and Eric on the passing of your dear husband and dad. RIP Sean.
— Bridie Walsh Water Lane
My sincerest sympathies to Séan's family, Laoise and the extended McNamara family. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
— Ann Ryan, University of Galway
It was an absolute pleasure getting to know Sean over the past few months and his lovely wife Pat. My deepest condolences to Sean's wife, Sean's two sons and brother who I had the pleasures of meeting. May Sean rest in eternal peace.

Aishling Donnelly (GUH)
— Aishling Donnelly GUH
Deepest sympathies to the McNamara family on Sean’s passing.
Ar Dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
— Paul Shelly
Deepest sympathy to Pat and family. Sean was a true gentleman.
May he rest in peace.
— Paul Heaney
Sincere sympathies to Sean’s immediate and extended family. In his quiet and gentlemanly manner, he left a positive and lasting impact on colleagues and students over many years. Ar dheis De go raibh a anam dilis.
— Gerry Lyons
My sincere sympathies to Matt, Laoise and the whole McNamara family. At an important time in the development of engineering education and research in Ireland, Professor Sean McNamara provided tremendous leadership in the development of teaching and research in mechanical and biomedical engineering in Galway. His clear vision, tenacity, hard work and focus on excellence served the then Faculty of Engineering well and set a tremendous example for colleagues: his legacy continues through the ongoing achievements of his many former students. His successful 'spin out' from his research of MCS, at a time when academic led start ups were rare, inspired many colleagues in the University. Sean McNamara served the University of Galway with great distinction. May he rest in peace.

Jim Browne.
— Jim Browne
It was always delightful to meet my former neighbour, Sean. My sympathy to all the McNamaras. Leaba i measc na n-aingeal duit, a Shean.
— Teresa Morgan
Our deepest sympathies to the McNamara family at this time.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
-Lowery Family.
— Johnathan Lowery
May God rest Professor Sean's soul, and comfort his family in their loss.
— Mick Garrick
Deepest sympathy to Pat,her sons Niall and Eric and extended family on the loss of Seàn. May he rest in peace .
— Bernice and John Walsh Seacrest
Ár gcómhbhrón ó chroí le Pat, Niall, Eric agus bhur muintir. Fear séimh, speisialta ab ea Seán, cara maith agus comharsa den scoth. Suaimhneas síoraí dá anam uasal.
— Bernie & Maree O Connell
Our deep sympathy to all the Mc Namara family on the death of Sean. May he rest in peace.
— Tim and Joan Hogan, Newcastle.
Beannacht Dé ort a Sheáin ár gcomharsa séimh. Gach sólás ar Pat, Eric agus Niall agus a ghaolta uile.
— vincent & geraldine holmes, seacrest.
Our sincere sympathy and condolences to the Mc Namara family , on this very sad occasion. SEAN a friend, and an outstanding gentleman ,We will all miss him. May he rest in peace.
— James p.& Josephine Cawley
I was so sorry to learn of the sad passing of your brother, Sean.
My deepest sympathies to you and all your family.
— Michael Hegarty Moycullen
Sincere sympathy to all the McNamara family on the very sad passing of Sean. I have very fond memories of him as a Student and the Professor of Mechanical Engineering. He was a born gentleman and always
good for a chat a smile. May He Rest in Peace.
— George Deacy
My sincere condolences to Pat and family, and to the wider McNamara family. Seán invited me into the MCS organisation many years ago, and gave me a set of experiences and friends that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. Thank you Seán.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a h-anam dílís.
— Des Higgins
Deepest Sympathy to Sean's Family and to Matt at this very sad time. May Sean's Gentle Soul Rest In peace.
— Tony and Bridie Hopkins
My sincere condolences to all the McNamara family, to his wife Pat and his brother Matt on the sad passing of Professor Seán McNamara. Seán both inspired and supported me to gain a PhD in Engineering, something that has stood to me all my life. Also Seán and I worked together on many innovative research papers, technical developments and business ventures over some twenty years at MCS, the university spin-out company he founded and chaired many years ago. Seán's leadership here demonstrates his significant influence well beyond engineering research and into industry. It is for certain, that Seán has left an indelible and hugely positive influence on many of our lives. May he Rest in Peace.
— Paddy O'Brien, Aberdeen and formerly of Galway
Sincere sympathies on the passing of Prof McNamara. I worked as an administrator in Mech Eng a number of years ago, in Nuns Island, and found him such a gentleman and a lovely person to work with. May he rest in peace.
— Valerie Leahy, University of Galway
Sincerest condolences to the McNamara family on the passing of Sean.
May he rest in peace.
— Malcolm Little, Oughterard
Sincere sympathies to the McNamara family on Sean’s passing. May he Rest In Peace.
— Jack Dermody
Sincerest condolences to Pat and the extended McNamara family on the death of Sean, a mentor, boss, colleague and friend from the early 1980s. Sean supervised my Masters and then gave me my start in MCS, a company he founded and drove to worldwide success with tremendous energy and engineering knowledge. It is no exaggeration to say he shaped my professional life, and I will be forever in his debt. May he rest in peace.
— Michael Lane
Deepest condolences to Pat and family. Sean made a huge contribution to engineering and education in Ireland. A true visionary and entrepreneur, he influenced many careers and lives. I am privileged to have had him as my first academic mentor and admired his expertise along with his tremendous warmth and positivity. May he Rest In Peace.
— Brian Moran
I remember Prof McNamara very fondly...a true educator and leader. A wonderful man ... with lasting influence over the last 30+ years since I've seen him.
Much love and sympathy for all the family.
— Brendan O'Connell
Sincere sympathy to Mat, Pat and the family on the sad death of Sean. May he Rest In Peace.I had privilege of knowing Sean on the golf course.
Sean was natures original gentleman. Tony.
— Tony O' Connor, Pollnarooma.
Very sorry to hear of Sean’s passing. I remember him as a kind and friendly man. My condolences to Pat Eric Niall and extended family.
— Rita Kilroy
Sincere condolences to the McNamara family on Sean’s passing. I thoroughly enjoyed his lectures while in UCG. May he Rest In Peace.
— Brian McCarthy
Sincerest condolences to Matt & all the McNamara family on the passing of Sean. May he rest in peace.
Gabrielle Kyne (fomerly Newcastle)
— Gabrielle Kyne
To Pat, Niall & Eric, Matt and family - Heartfelt syampathies on the loss of Sean, whom we remember fondly and with respect and gratitude for what he created at MCS. Rest in peace.
— Kieran & Úna Kavanagh
Sincere Sympathy to Pat and Family, Rest In Peace Seán.
— Emily Walsh, Seafields, Gurraun South, Oranmore.
Pat, Niall and Eric. My sincere sympathy to you on the death of Sean. I worked with Sean in Engineering and he was a pleasure to work with. One of life's true gentlemen. May he Rest in Peace.
— Sharon Gilmartin
Sincere condolences to Pat, Niall & Eric and your families. Thinking of you all at this very sad time.
— Ruth Jennings
Sincere condelences to all of the Mc Namara family on the sad passing of Seán. May he rest in peace. 🙏
— Fiona Lillis, President, Galway Golf Club
Sincere sympathy on the death of Sean RIP.
— Joe & Bridie McMahon
Deepest sympathy to the McNamara clan. Eric, we’re thinking of you and all the family. x
— Sam King
My condolences and sincere sympathy to Pat and all the McNamara family on the sad passing of Seán. May he rest in peace!
— Kieran O'Connor
Very sorry to hear of the sad death of Sean .He was such a lovely man and will be greatly missed.RIP.
— Joe and stephanie Lynch
Deepest condolences and sympathy to the McNamara Family on the passing of Professor Seán and especially to his brother Mattie and his wife Una.A wonderful scholar and gentleman.May he rest in peace.
— Michael&Catherine O'Malley, Clonmel Co.Tipperary
Sincere condolences to the extended McNamara family on the death of Sean, may he rest in peace.
— Vincent, Therese and Dylan O'Flaherty (Moycullen)
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