Denis O'Callaghan, Funeral Director

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Cornelia Wahli

The death has occurred of

Cornelia Wahli

Clondorney Beg, Tulla, Clare / Ennis, Clare

Formerly of Frauenfeld, Thurgau. Switzerland. Beloved daughter of Alice and the late Hans, much loved mother of Yasmin and grandmother of Amelia, cherished sister of Barbara and Monika.




A remarkable and special lady, who will be missed by so many. She will be fondly remembered by her loving family and friends. 


Reposing in St Peter and Paul's church Tulla Sunday 12th June 2022 from 10am with funeral Mass at 11am followed by Cremation at 3pm in Shannon Crematorium. Funeral Mass can be viewed on or local radio 105.4

Date Published:

Friday 10th June 2022

Date of Death:

Thursday 9th June 2022

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