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Francis Joseph (Frank) O'Reilly

The death has occurred of

Francis Joseph (Frank) O'Reilly

Rathmore, Kildare

O’Reilly, 11th  August 2013, Rathmore, Co. Kildare. Francis Joseph (Frank), peacefully at home. Adored husband of Tess and beloved father of Mary Charles, Jane, Olivia, Margaret, Rose, Louise, Peter, Paul and Julie and brother Of Maymes. Sadly missed by his loving grandchildren, great-grandchildren, sons and daughters-in-law.


Removal on Wednesday evening to the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Eadestown for 6.30pm. Funeral Mass on Thursday at 2pm. Burial afterwards in Rathmore. House private. Family flowers only.

Date Published:

Monday 12th August 2013

Date of Death:

Sunday 11th August 2013

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